As you know I’m lucky to call myself a Fisher-Price® Play Ambassador this year. I’m so excited to help spread the word on the importance of unstructured play for our little guys. Through studies and research, Fisher-Price® found that nearly all Canadian parents surveyed (90 per cent) agree overscheduling children’s activities can be overwhelming to them as well as to their children (86 per cent). Along those lines, the majority of parents (80 per cent) believe childhood today is more complicated than it should be. By giving children toys that have been designed to encourage physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive skills and imagination, a lot of what parents seek is right there in their children’s toy box. Let’s join Fisher-Price® to encourage families to take the time to Play More!
Harper has been loving the Fisher-Price® Woodland Friends SpaceSaver Jumperoo™. She likes to jump to the music, sounds and lights and I like that it folds up compactly for easy storage when not in use.