Help Food Banks of Canada End Summer Hunger With The #SummerHungerChallenge

NS-169With close to one million Canadians in need of food banks during the summer months, while the winter holidays are the traditional season of giving, food banks also need support in the summer. Food insecurity doesn’t take a summer break. Food bank organizations across Canada are relying on the support of donors to help end summer hunger.

The Every Plate Full began on May 28 and aims to raise awareness and donations to fill this seasonal gap. Are you up for the challenge? Are you up for the challenge? Could you feed yourself on just $1.00 a day? This is something food banks can do thanks to their partnerships with sponsors across the country, and the strong purchasing power they hold.

At food banks across the country, a $1 donation provides three meals.We challenge Canadians to feed themselves on $1 a day. Need ideas? Check out to get you started, and even if you can’t make it work share your story on social media. Word of mouth matters!

Challenge steps:

  • Eat for one day on $1 and document your success or failure on social media with #EveryPlateFull #SummerHungerChallenge


  • Donate the money you would have normally spent on food for a day. Even donating the money you spent on coffee break drinks and snacks in a day could help!
  • Challenge your friends and colleagues by publicly tagging them. Let’s spread the word!